Did you know? The color of your eyes can tell you about your disease.

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Did you know? The color of your eyes can tell you about your disease.

       We have probably heard that the eyes are the windows to the heart. But in terms of medicine, the eyes are the windows that can indicate hidden diseases. The changing color of the eyes can indicate what diseases we have. Observing the characteristics of the eyes and understanding the initial connection to diseases is basic knowledge that everyone should have in order to take care of their own health and treat diseases early on. Today  ทางเข้า https://ufabet999.app we have information for everyone to observe the color of everyone’s eyes.

  • All whites of the eyes are yellow: Suspected liver disease.
  • Yellow around the eyelid: I suspect pterygium. 
  •  Redness all over the eyes: Suspected allergic or infectious conjunctivitis.
  • Dark red around the pupil: Suspected uveitis.
  • White cloudy color in the center of the pupil: Suspected cataract.
  •  White around the pupils: Suspected high blood fat.
  • Cloudy white or blue-green color on the pupil: Suspected high intraocular pressure.

Eye color can tell you about your disease.

– Dark circles under the eyes, if you don’t sleep late, it may be due to allergies, sinusitis or rhinitis.

– Yellow eyes, abnormal liver function, risk of hepatitis or jaundice.

– There is a yellow spot at the corner of the eye, a symptom of pterygium, high cholesterol.

– The whites of the eyes are red, irritated, infected, or inflamed.

– The pupils are cloudy white, indicating a risk of cataracts.

-Green eyes may have high blood fat and be at risk for glaucoma.